Sometimes, whether you’re a good LASIK candidate or not is out of your control. A lot of it has to do with the state of your eyesight and vision.
Other factors require you to be patient due to how your eyes develop and grow. However, determining whether or not you are a good fit for the procedure is very important for your safety and success, so you should plan your LASIK consultation sooner rather than later.
During your consultation, you’ll discuss some of the following LASIK candidacy requirements, discuss what you can and need to do to fulfill them, or talk about possible LASIK alternatives. Keep reading to find out if you are a good LASIK candidate!
How Stable is Your Vision?
To produce the right results for your laser correction, your ophthalmologist needs to have an accurate picture of the current state of your vision. Eyesight can fluctuate due to hormone changes from pregnancy and other outside factors, so it must be reasonably stable for at least a year before LASIK.
Are You Old Enough?
LASIK is only FDA-approved for adults over the age of 18. However, many LASIK surgeons will recommend waiting until the patient is at least into their mid-twenties before seriously considering them to be a good LASIK candidate.
Being in your mid to late twenties is a good way to know that your eyes are fully mature and won’t continue developing after you have LASIK.
Are Your Eyes Healthy?
If your eyes are currently experiencing any problems from injury, infection, or disease, you’ll first need to deal with those problems. Although LASIK is a relatively fast and straightforward procedure, you will still need to recover from it.
If you have a preexisting eye condition like dry eye syndrome, it can be harder to recover from LASIK.
Do You Have Any Other Diseases or Conditions?
You must be in generally good health to move forward with LASIK. Any bodily issue that results in a lowered immune system or healing response will make it unsafe to perform an elective surgery like LASIK.
This includes HIV/AIDS, Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and uncontrolled diabetes.
Are Your Corneas Thick Enough?
LASIK alters your vision by reshaping the surface of your cornea. To do that safely and with long-lasting results, the surgeon needs enough tissue left over after the procedure that the structure of your cornea is not compromised.
Do You Have the Right Expectations?
While LASIK is a highly advanced procedure that often helps millions of people achieve the eyesight of their dreams, results can vary. It is still surgery.
While risk is extraordinarily low, it is still present. Talk with your eye doctor to make sure you have a good idea about the risks and benefits of LASIK.
What if LASIK Is Not Right For You?
If you reach the end of your consultation, and it turns out you are not a good candidate for LASIK, all is not lost. Several LASIK alternatives can deliver similar results.
During your consultation, ask about procedures like PRK, refractive lens exchange, or an implantable contact lens to learn about all of the different options we can provide!
Do you think that LASIK could be right for you? Find out by scheduling your LASIK consultation at Advanced Eye Care in New Lenox, IL.